Pro Line (Hi Vis – No Vis)
Hommage to Otto Neurath and Gerd Arntz and
Windhosen: Richtungswechsel
both 2024

at Kunsthaus Graz as part of the exhibition 24/7 – Work between meaning and imbalance from 1.5.2024 to 19.1.2025

in collaboration with
Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel (Tracing Spaces)

exhibition curated by Katia Huemer and Martin Grabner

Installation made from used work clothing, dungarees, aluminium tubes and flagpoles. Supported by CWS Hygiene Österreich GmbH

photos by Christopher Mavric

Martin Grabner:

“The traces of use on the reflective work clothes are proof of the hard labour that has to be done every single day to make our lives comfortable possible: the shipping of ever more goods to our homes, the disposal of the waste this creates, as well as the ‘just-in-time’ deliveries to large manufacturing plants. All of this requires vast and continuously expanding transhipment centres and warehouses at major transport hubs. Despite ‘Logistics 4.0’, this work is still performed by people.
For these people, the apparent non-places on the periphery constitute living environments charged with meaning and (hi)stories. The installation made from Pro Line HighVis workwear, which is highly visible for safety reasons, counteracts the invisibility they experience as a result of their workplaces being pushed out of the cities. From the individual narratives, the artists/researchers produce a cartography of the experiences of migration and mobility that emerges from the milieu of endless logistics landscapes without which our cities could not exist.”